Schedule under Section 2 (f) of VSWA(R&C) Ordinance, 1961

According to Section 2 (f) of the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1961, while its registration with government, an NGO has to select one or more fields for rendering its welfare servinces from the Schedule mentioned below:

  1. Child welfare
  2. Youth welfare
  3. Women's welfare
  4. Welfare of the physically and mentally handicapped
  5. Family planning
  6. Rescreational programmes intendeded to keep people away from anti-social activities
  7. social education, that is, education of adults aimed at developing sense of civic responsiblity
  8. Welfare and rehabilitation of released prisoners
  9. Welfare of juvenile delinquents
  10. Welfare of the socially handicapped
  11. Welfare of the beggars and destiute
  12. Welfare and rehabilitation of patients
  13. Welfare of the aged and infirm
  14. Training in social work
  15. Co-ordination of social welfare agencies

Who we are? is an effort of lofty aspirants. We voluntarily bridge seekers with employers and other career building sources.